Welllllll what is our seasons doing? Now is winter beginning or is spring so anti climatic because of the balmy winter. Six of one half Dozen of another I suppose...So what's a girl to do who relies on the seasons for my lil ole Jam Co to stay fresh and seasonal.....personally I'm so over my Fig N Fennel jam.....oh don't get me wrong she's a beaut but pricey and in need of dark winter nights and roasting legs of cloven hooved love ......so I've been chompin at the proverbial bit for something new and something that is plentiful this time of year........
On my many random drives all over this county I've not only have noticed the daffodils and flowering Quince are in full early bloom yet the fields are rows of chocolate cake crumbs with out the new green shoots of a strawberry promise......Berry vines cultivated or wild are in complete dormancy....sigh. Yet! Alas! Ahoy! Rose hip orbs are twinkling in the sun road side to garden these Vitamin C rich Sceptors are so abundant I could not ignore.......
Soooooo...Taa Daa
A blend of Roibos tea rose hips from all over the county , orange peel,ginger root, lemongrass (grows great in SC)and a hint of cinnamon. Spicy bright and a perfect promise to summer to come.
Chevre season is about to commence and a pat of Rosie on a piece of Sour dough toast or with the last of winter milk soft Ripened cheeses(Tellaggio Itlaly) or even on a waffle...well Fois would be my pick.....
Love this one. A Pleasure to make and the perfect bridge from winter to Spring...
April fools day she will be on your local shelves.
Woop woop!
HA! I make my first batch and NOW we are to get 3 days of rain.... So happy. Which means I'm gonna go. I have 2 baby Turkens under Oprahs tail in a box in the living room and a fire in my near future. Oh and Bourbon....
Oh the Chicks......Whitney Houston and Lindsey Lohan.......Lindsey hogs the water and rides Oprah back and Whitney seems lost...perhaps looking for Bobby.
Good night